Finding the causes of your car accident in San Diego

San Diego Lawyers

When you are injured in a car or motorcycle accident in SanDiego, it is important to find out if you are entitled to receive financial compensation. From lost income to ongoing medical expenses, the cost of accident-related injuries can be considerable; And for many people, ensuring their economic recovery is the only way to truly get ahead.

In many cases, the cause of the accident is clear: A vehicle traveling at high speed rear-ends another vehicle that is stopped in traffic. A driver arrives at an intersection on a red light without yielding to oncoming traffic, striking another driver who had the right-of-way. A commercial truck folds due to sudden braking and causes a crash involving multiple vehicles. These are all common examples of cases where it is clear (or at least generally clear) who the culprit was.

But determining the cause of an accident is not always so easy. In fact, in many cases, the cause of an accident is not noticeable at the scene of the crash. Here are three additional common causes of  San Diego car accidents that can only be found with a thorough investigation:

1. Distracted driving

In recent years, distracted driving has become one of the leading causes of vehicular crashes. Every year, thousands of drivers are killed and hundreds of thousands are injured in accidents that are caused by distracted drivers.

A large percentage of accidents involving distracted drivers involve the use of smartphones. Drivers who text, talk on the phone, take  selfies,  and use social media are more likely to cause car accidents in San Diego than drivers whose attention is focused on the road.

2. Driving while intoxicated

The driving drunk also remains a big problem. Alcohol intoxication limits drivers’ visual field, impairs their motor functions, impairs their ability to make decisions, and makes it much more difficult for them to avoid dangerous crashes. Even a couple of drinks can be seriously handicapped, and too many people make the mistake of drinking and then getting behind the wheel.

3. Vehicle defects

In some cases, the vehicle is responsible for causing the crash, not the driver. Vehicle defects – hidden dangers that are the product of automotive failures or problems during the manufacturing process – claim countless lives every year. Although vehicle manufacturers have a responsibility to avoid selling defective vehicles and to recall defective vehicles, recalls very often come too late to protect drivers and their passengers from life-threatening injuries.

In order to find these “hidden” causes of car accidents , it is important that an investigation be conducted as soon as possible. From obtaining records of drivers’ calls to inspecting damaged vehicles, there are several steps that can be taken to identify the individual (or individuals) responsible. An experienced attorney will be able to identify all the possible causes of your accident, and gather the evidence necessary to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Talk to a San Diego car accident attorney

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a car, truck, or motorcycle crash, we encourage you to call us for a free, no-obligation consultation. To speak confidently with one of our San Diego car accident attorneys with experience in car accidents, please call or request an appointment online today.