Should I Try To Handle My San Diego Auto Accident Claim On My Own?

San diego personal injury attorney


Should You Handle Your San Diego Car Accident Claim Yourself? Do you really need the help of a San Diego car accident attorney? If you want a short answer, we highly recommend that you contact an attorney if you want maximum compensation. Too often, we see people trying to fight their own battle for auto accident claims in San Diego. While you are sure to find success stories online, the vast majority are overwhelmed and not getting the compensation they deserve. Meanwhile, they are trying to recover from multiple injuries at the same time.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Getting involved in a San Diego car accident can be scary, but a cool head will often lead to the best results with the claims and cases that follow. In the minutes after an accident and in the days after the accident, the actions you take can make a difference. Especially if you plan to claim damages, we assume you want a respectable amount of compensation.

Later, we will explain how San Diego auto accident attorneys can help your case. For now, here is our advice for anyone involved in a car accident.

Step 1: get medical attention

First of all, your health should always take priority. Even if you feel fine, we recommend that you seek medical attention. You may only feel a couple of scratches on the outside, but doctors will need to evaluate you to make sure you’re not bleeding from the inside. In addition, we must bear in mind that adrenaline often hides serious injuries after a car accident. Adrenaline is rushing through the body and this masks what has the potential to be quite harmful.
Medical care is not only important to your health, it is also important to your case. If the insurance company refuses to pay, you will have documentation proving your injuries. With this in mind, we recommend keeping all the documentation you receive in the days after the accident.

Step 2 – Contact the police

If the accident is serious, you will not need to contact the police because emergency services will be present anyway. When the accident is less severe, the police may suggest that an online report be filed instead of officers attending the scene. If you want compensation for injuries, it is essential to file a report. Of course, the best step will always be to wait for an officer because then you can have a copy of the police report.

Step 3: collect evidence and information

Next, talk to all the other drivers involved in the accident and write down their contact information. If possible, get their email address and phone number, as well as their name. If you have time and your injuries are not preventing it, bring your license plate and insurance details as well.
If you really want to make your case easier, you can even consider:
• Road conditions
• Any hazards that may have caused the accident.
• Climate
• Weather
• Exact location
Also, list the observations you made about the accident. Do you smell alcohol on the other driver? Did you see them turning to talk to someone in the back? Maybe they were talking on the phone?
Another tip we have is to take videos or pictures of the scene; The beauty of the world today is that we all have high-quality cameras in our pockets thanks to the rise of smartphones. Get photographs of each vehicle’s damage, injuries, license plates, and whatever else you think will be helpful.

Step 4: talk to witnesses

If the other driver wants to have a conversation about the accident, never admit fault or have a conversation about fault. Make a mistake at this stage and it could limit your potential compensation opportunities later when working with a San Diego car accident attorney. With that said, you need to speak to witnesses, get their contact information, and even take statements on the spot. Although law enforcement should speak to witnesses, there is nothing wrong with doing investigative work yourself.

Step 5: keep records and a journal

In the days after your accident, keep a record of absolutely everything. This includes proof of lost wages, police reports, medical bills, and receipts for vehicle repairs. If you are in doubt as to whether you can claim something, please keep the receipt.
At the same time, we also advise accident victims to keep a recovery diary. In California, non-economic losses such as pain and suffering cannot be claimed through insurance. However, if we believe the case warrants it, we will seek these types of damages in a personal injury claim. Therefore, the daily entries in this journal will show any potential judge your pain and struggles while you recover. Even if it cannot be entered as evidence, it will be helpful to contact your San Diego accident attorney.

Working with a San Diego car accident attorney

Of course, another step in this process is contacting an attorney, but this is the entire discussion of this article. Fortunately, we have listed some of the benefits of NOT going it alone and reaching out to professional help.

1. Allow you to recover
After a serious accident, most of the steps listed above will be difficult. While facing serious injury, the last thing you want to do is gather evidence and contact the police. What’s more, something we haven’t even mentioned yet is the process of dealing with insurance adjusters. People often think that insurance companies are on the side of the victim, but this is not the case. Instead, they always have their eyes on the total winnings. Therefore, they will use tricks to make the victim admit part of the blame; By doing this, they do not have to pay as much in compensation.

San Diego car accident attorneys have the experience and knowledge you need to get the result you want. Whether you are filing an insurance claim or need to go to court, let our team work on your behalf while you focus on recovery. If you were unable to speak to witnesses at the scene of the accident, we will collect evidence and do all the hard work for you.

2. We are the nightmare of an insurance company

That’s right, insurance companies hate accident victims hiring legal support. Since they want to reduce the amount they pay, this is much easier when someone tries to handle their California car accident on their own. As soon as you hire professional assistance, they know things are going to get more difficult. With a San Diego Accident Lawyer by your side, you are much more likely to get the compensation you deserve.

As your attorney, we will explain to you when you should and when you should not speak to the insurance company. Usually the first few offers are just to settle the case and forget about it. In addition, they will also get you to sign a document that prevents you from claiming again. We know the tricks of the insurance companies and we are here to make life difficult for them.

Working with a San Diego car accident attorney

Of course, another step in this process is contacting an attorney, but this is the entire discussion of this article. Fortunately, we have listed some of the benefits of NOT going it alone and reaching out to professional help.

3. Claiming is stressful and confusing

In California, recovering compensation is confusing there is no question about it. Why handle all this stress and pressure yourself when you can hire professionals who go through these kinds of things on a daily basis? We have vast experience in San Diego traffic accidents of different types. We will listen to the circumstances surrounding your case and then protect your legal interests at all times. Even if you have a simple question, just get in touch and we will resolve your concerns and provide the advice you need

4. Compensation while sharing the blame

Even if you share the blame with another road user, this does not mean that you are not entitled to any compensation. Typically, insurance companies will intimidate people and reject any claim immediately. Just because you share the blame, you may still be entitled to damages in California. The work we do on your behalf will shift the balance of fault in your favor and you will receive compensation for the parts that were not your fault.

5. We have resources

Right now, we know there is pressure on your finances. While he is not earning an income, his medical bills increase. During this period, you don’t want the financial burden of filing a report and making a claim. For many, they are forced into an advance settlement for less than they deserve. Why? Because they don’t have the resources to go ahead with the case.


If you have had an accident, follow our advice and contact us as soon as possible. Under California law, filing a report is essential for any case, so don’t forget this. If the police did not attend the accident, you must file a report if:
• You have been injured and have pain / discomfort.
• Damage to your car (or both combined) exceeds $ 500
• A vehicle was towed after the accident.
• A driver involved was drunk or driving a commercial vehicle

Contact our team of San Diego car accident attorneys, we will evaluate your case for free. If you choose us, we will protect your legal rights and help you return to some form of normalcy after this traumatic experience.