What to Do After a Slip, Trip, and Fall Accident in San Diego

San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney

It’s sad but true: most people will be in a slip and fall accident in San Diego at some point in their lives. Sadder still: the accident is probably not even their fault. Because slips and falls can happen anywhere and for anyone, it is important to know what steps to take after an accident.

This is especially true when the fall is not your fault. By law, buildings, homes, parking lots, and hallways must be maintained to ensure they can be safely navigated, a responsibility known as premises liability.

Facilities liability means that if you were seriously injured after slipping, tripping, and falling on someone else’s property due to the owner’s negligence, you could be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, time off from work, and even pain. and suffering.

Know what to do after a slip, trip and fall accident

If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident in Los Angeles, it is important to remember that the steps you take immediately after the incident are crucial to building the best possible legal case.
Here are five steps to take after a slip, trip, and fall accident:

5 Steps to Take After a Slip, Trip and Fall Acciden

1. Seek medical treatment. Your health, or the health of a loved one, should be your number one priority after a slip, trip and fall. If you’ve been injured, it’s important to see a doctor so your injuries can be properly documented. Those medical records will be important evidence should you decide to seek compensation for your injuries.
2. Report the accident. No matter where the slip, trip, and fall accident occurred – in a store, on a sidewalk, or at a friend’s house, be sure to report it to a manager, owner, or landlord. Remember to get the details of the incident in writing; ask the manager, landlord, or landlord to make a written report and ask for a copy before you leave.
3. Document everything. It is important to collect the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of all potential witnesses. Your statements could help prove your claim if you decide to file a legal claim. Also, remember to take pictures of the EXACT spot where you fell, and be sure to photograph stairs, ice patches, or other conditions that contributed to your accident. Write down what you were doing just before the accident, how you fell, and any other details, including the exact date and time. Also: put the shoes and clothes you were wearing during the accident in a safe place to store them. They can be relevant evidence later.
4. Refuse to give statements. Stay calm and limit your communication with the property owner or manager. Please do not post any details related to your accident on social media. Refuse to give a statement to an insurance company until you have spoken with an attorney. Don’t blame and take none.
5. Call an attorney. When considering legal action, the best person on your side is an experienced attorney. Since many slip and fall cases are complex and difficult to prove, it is best to have the resources of a successful law firm. We have the experience, knowledge, and track record of success to get you the money you deserve.

Injured in a slip, trip and fall accident? Get the money you deserve

Many accident victims in San Diego are unsure whether they need an attorney to handle their case. Here are three ways our experienced slip, trip and fall attorneys can help you:

1. We will handle confusing paperwork. Slip, trip and fall cases are confusing and complex. Our experienced legal team will take care of all the details so you can focus on improving.
2. We will worry about deadlines. People injured in slip, trip and fall accidents have only a limited time to file legal claims.
3. We will treat you as a person, not a case number, and we will keep you informed about your case in a language you can understand.

Don’t get stuck paying medical bills for an accident caused by someone else. With San Diego Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys (Slip and Fall), experienced and successful professional legal translators who have the resources to win your case. Your team will be with you from start to finish.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us today for a free case review. And remember, with our attorneys, there is never an obligation.